Monday, July 4, 2011

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so I am going to make this a quick post! BUT

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I ran the Murray City 5K and I actually managed it! I mean I did not literally run, only for a total of 5 minutes of the whole thing, but the fact that I finished it, is just amazing! Ashton found me at the end and walked/ran the rest of the way with me then my uncle meade showed up and helped out too. I felt like throwing up after, but once I got some water and a banana, I felt SO accomplished! It really makes me want to work on the next year. But one thing I do not suggest... wearing shorts that are too shorts, or you will chaff! So I have been inspired to write what I suggest for FIRST time 5K people who may only be walking it at the least:

  1. Work out at least twice a week. Start out at least three months before the actual 5K that you intend to do. For the first 2-3 weeks walk/run a mile. For the next 2-3 weeks walk/run two miles. Then the last couple of weeks before do 3.1 mile walking/running. You know that you do well for your first time if you can walk it in under 1 hour. I did it in 50 minutes and I ran about 5 minutes or so. (but I was also chaffing [tmi i know] and got water in my shoe somehow and I got a blister on my foot, so I am sure had these two factors not been in I would have cut at least 5 minutes of my time off). 
  2. Its OKAY to walk! I mean I read about it everywhere, seriously I was in panic mode because I did not train AS much as I would have liked to, but it is OK! Just speed walk! 
  3. You are NOT going to be the last one to finish, there are always those couple of people who just stroll the 5K! 
  4. HYDRATION!!!!! Seriously the day before NO soda and the morning of drink some water before and after, but not too much, you do not wanna get sick!
  5. Stretch BEFORE and AFTER! You will thank yourself later! Stretches to do: Promise you will like them!
  6. I would go for one last training run/walk two days before, and take a break the day before. No heavy working out or anything, just hydrate yourself! 
  7. Mentality. YOU CAN DO THIS! I found my downfall when I said I was not going to be doing it. Just tell yourself that you can do it. Even if you think you can't, trick yourself into doing it! Its the THE SECRET! 
If I can do it, you can too! I am not the skinniest chick on the block, and I hate exercising, it seriously takes a LOT of motivation to just go out for a 15 minute walk! But I did it! You just have to tell yourself that you love walking/running, and then afterwards you will be so high on life, that that doughnut that you wanted 30minutes prior... seems like nothing! 

Don't be a Homer Simpson...

Until Next Time!

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Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...