Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Semester!

Sitting here on the couch eating Footsies is not how I intended this semester to go with the whole weight loss situation. I started going to the gym on Monday but I am going to start going today more. At least twice a week! I will have at the beginning of each blog this segment (weight loss update) before the actual blog. So far I have stopped (with the exception of these stupid Footsies), eating different things for meals. I have stopped going to McDonald's all the time (which is hard when you are on the go like me all the time). I have started making dinner (Example: Steak and green beans). There is still just one thing I cannot seem to give up and that is Coca-Cola. But I have made a compromise. Instead of drinking it ALL DAY I have to drink two things of water (in my water bottle that I have) then I can have a 32 oz (at the biggest size) only once a day. Then i have to go back to water. I think if I can cut it down slowly, I can maybe cut it down to one small one a day at THE MOST. I am trying though! I am going to start going to the gym, because Zumba is every day and I LOVE Zumba! It is so much fun! I have missed going. CONFESSION TIME: I haven't been to Zumba since July... better yet I have yet to go to the gym since August. So I need to make some MAJOR changes in my life. I have some goals. I want to be down by Red Dress Gala (in two weeks) I just want to feel better in a dress! Then I want to feel and look thin by Spring Break and then Formal and stuff. Spring Semester has a lot of mile markers that is good. So I apologize, not all the weight loss updates will be this long!

So this semester has been a pretty good semester, my classes are okay -- they are level 4000 classes but if I just put forth the work it will all be alright! Yesterday I started filling out graduation papers! THIS IS SCARY! I was very nervous when they handed them to me! It is so exciting and very out of body lol. This semester I put some pictures on my wall to add to the awesome decor of my bedroom: 

I still have more to put up, but I had this blank wall and nothing do with it! 
The roommates and I are getting along, the only thing that is different is that Kim and Tim are together YAY!!!!! Its about time! But we did a face mask to try and be funny! 
My babysitting job is so much fun! His name is Connor and he is just a sweet little boy! The dog however just watches me like "Don't you dare do anything stupid or I will bite you" -- even though the dog is nice, it still is very protective.
And as usual Maverick runs are a must in this apartment! It just isn't a normal day with out at least one! Oh and the girls below us are nuts. I will just say this now. I was cleaning out the filter to my vacuum (at THREE in the AFTERNOON!!!!!!) and the mean one with the rats nest in her hair came up and banged on our door SUPER loud, and was like "can you please stop making noise, one of us is studying... thanks". So we said sorry, informed them I was going to vacuum and then told her thanks for coming up and not hitting the ceiling. It was the second day of school. Hello SPRING! 

Anyway this semester I am also taking an institute class and I like it. I am taking it with Kim and Paige and it is "Keys to A Successful Scripture Study". I guess the first presidency does not like the fact Bishop Heuett took my roommates and myself into his ward. I guess its looked down on in the church to go to a ward not in your stake or boundaries. Which I guess I can understand and I am not bitter, we just have to go to the ward here for the apartment complex. I was mad, and I am a little, but I will do as the Prophet and the leaders say. Even though the logistics of the church do not make sense... you gotta do what you gotta do even if you don't want to sometimes! 
Well this is all for now!
Until Next time.....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I never was really good with goodbye :(

I AM SO EXCITED to get back to Cedar and get this last year OVER with! I think after this longer of a break I am ready to move back to SLC but get my own place. This is explained because I want to go to Cedar because I want to be back on my own with my own rules, but I am not wanting to start classes again (I have liked working) and I also like being close to my family. I have a lot of thoughts that have been running through my head (like they always do before I go back after summer or the break), and I know its always a night before kind of a deal -- but I am actually sad. I want to go back tomorrow but a part of my thinks that I should go Friday because my mom has work tomorrow and has to leave really early and gets off at six. I would hate to have our last moments together be like two hours (before she falls asleep). But it is not like I am never coming back home either. I think tomorrow all my thoughts will change and I will be ready to go back. I also feel like I do not have a lot of friends in Cedar, but thats dumb I have Alpha Phi and my fabulous roommates, and I think once I get back into the school norm and get a job and stuff, it will be simple to get back to how I felt before the break started.  I usually feel this way before the break starts... so we will see!

Anyway I am dumb being a complainer!
Until Next time!!!!

Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...