Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I never was really good with goodbye :(

I AM SO EXCITED to get back to Cedar and get this last year OVER with! I think after this longer of a break I am ready to move back to SLC but get my own place. This is explained because I want to go to Cedar because I want to be back on my own with my own rules, but I am not wanting to start classes again (I have liked working) and I also like being close to my family. I have a lot of thoughts that have been running through my head (like they always do before I go back after summer or the break), and I know its always a night before kind of a deal -- but I am actually sad. I want to go back tomorrow but a part of my thinks that I should go Friday because my mom has work tomorrow and has to leave really early and gets off at six. I would hate to have our last moments together be like two hours (before she falls asleep). But it is not like I am never coming back home either. I think tomorrow all my thoughts will change and I will be ready to go back. I also feel like I do not have a lot of friends in Cedar, but thats dumb I have Alpha Phi and my fabulous roommates, and I think once I get back into the school norm and get a job and stuff, it will be simple to get back to how I felt before the break started.  I usually feel this way before the break starts... so we will see!

Anyway I am dumb being a complainer!
Until Next time!!!!

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Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...