Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Been a Long Time Coming!

 Well I have decided some changes in my life are going to happen!

1. I am going to hit up a new gym, and my fitness blog will be updated with more positive things and successes.

2. I am going back to school for my masters at Western Govenors University

3. I am going to be more spiritual.

4. I am going to have more fun!

5. I am going to find a different job! Either within IHC or out of IHC. I love working with my friends, but it is not what I WANT to do! I just sit there mostly all day, so right now I am looking for other opportunities!

So my life lately has just been work and hanging out with friends whenever I get a spare moment. I had such a wonderful day today! IT was the Brigham City Temple dedication! I feel so blessed that I got the opportunity to go! So I am excited to see how the future pans out.

Anyway I am going to bed now but this was just a short update. I will try not to be so lame in the next post!
Until Next time!

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Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...