Thursday, June 24, 2010

Drive thru etiquette.

I cannot change the world but I can inform it, and this goes for every drive through. Here are some simple rules of drive through resturaunts:

  1. This is important: STAY OF YOUR CELL! It is very hard to take an order when you are saying "omg julie yeah... ohmygossshhh!" "Thank you for Choosing Chick-fil-a this is Adriana how may I serve you" "Oh my julie can you like hold of for like a sec cause like this lady is interrupting my phone call!... ohkay what did you say?" "How may I serve you" "I am good how are you!" "Good" "Okay I want a number one. Ok Hi julie sorry" "Okay what to drink" "Just the number one bye!" and then they drive off. If your call is so important to you, then don't get on your phone when you are in line. Wait till it is over.
  2. You don't need to yell, and you don't need to whisper. And if you pronounce your words then I can serve you and I do not need to seem like the idiotic order taker who is like "What I am sorry" cause I am not an idiot, you just need to talk like a human being. Just like if we were to have a conversation face to face.
  3. Leave your animal at home unless they are sedated. No barking dogs... the speaker picks up every high pitched or loud sound and it muffles out your voice.
  4. Turn of your truck, jeep, or vehicle that sounds like it needs a new muffler... thank you!

Okay those are just some simple rules. Today I was on head set for 5 hours straight. It gets frustrating because I have people yelling in my left ear, and people on the speaker not following the above rules, so it makes it a little bit harder. I can usually block out the noise in my left ear, but if you would just follow the rules (and this goes even for mcdonalds) that would be great. If people could just follow these rules then there would not be any more stupid comedian jokes about it. Maybe I will make some jokes about the customers haha jk.

STORY! So today I was on headset and this story inspired this blog post: This lady gets in the drive through and I say my little "thank you for choosing..." etc. And then she drives away then backs up again.... so I do it again... then she just drives to the car that last took their order. So I do not have an order put in for this lady. So she gets to the window and her head is tilted with her son holding her cell phone to her ear! Susana who was in the drive through was like "Hi!" the lady goes "Did I order?" and Susana said "No ma'm" And she just laughed... and of course she orders like 4 shakes and 4 large cokes... and coke is fizzy and shakes take a little bit to make so they hold up the order.

Ugh. People not following direction lol. So anyway earlier today I was on outside orders and people kept passing me and screwing up the flow (because we have been doing two lanes where one person calls in an order and such... too hard to explain through text). So I am just sick of idiotic people. But it was one day, and this is my blog, so I can vent how I please lol!

Anyway till next time.

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Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...