Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am Thankful for...

The following is what I am thankful for...

  1. The Ability to Change my hair color as often as I want. I am grateful to have a sister in law who thinks of fun colors!
  2. Fun crushes on boys who are just there to make you super twitterpaited.
  3. Amazing Roommates! 
  4. Books
  5. Knowledge
  6. Family
  7. Alpha Phi
  8. Coca Cola
  9. Epic Awesome moments
  10. School
  11. Shelter

P.s. in the event you did not understand... I did color my hair yesterday! 

Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...