Thursday, January 14, 2010

:( sick is no fun

Dear Body--

Please do not get sick. I have been feeling icky and tired all week. I would just like to continue my life and finish this semester with out a bug. Yes people say I need to just let it happen, but sick is no fun. Why ever would someone like to be sick? Is it for pity? NO! So all I want to say is DEAR BODY we will go home this weekend and mend.


1 comment:

the gilanis said...

hey there! i hope you feel better! ps. miss keeping in touch!
- fatimah

Hello - It is me! Adriana's Life July 2016- current!

Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...