Monday, March 29, 2010

Sigma Chi Formal in Mesquite

Meet Andrew Barnett. He is the Alpha Phi Pimp Extraordinaire! He makes us Alpha Phi girls all feel special, all of us or individually. Does he not look amazing in that suit! Ow ow! Props to Haley Bowen who did my hair. Props to Meg Miller who saved my polka dots!

This was to show the pimp extraordinaire in action, but sadly those goons in the back decided differently.

My lovely Sisters who are oh so sexy!

This is a terrible pic of me, but look at Clark. What a dashing date and evening.

Formal was epic, no dancing but EPIC! Andrew helped with the decor and may I say it was amazing! I love the EX boys!!

Congrats to Noel Miller my TSL to being the NEW EX sweetheart!!!!

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