Friday, May 21, 2010

33 hours later....

This week I was scheduled 33 hours. I know that does not seem like a lot to the average full time worker, but keep in mind A) I work at Chick-fil-a where you are on your feet 95% of the time, the other 5% you are on your break... which to me seems to go by faster than a speeding train! And for a 10 + hour shift it is two twenty minute breaks and for a 5-9.5 hour shift you get a 3o minute break. B) I haven't worked at the Chicken since December so my feet and body aren't used to it!
I swear the day after work a 5+ hour I get up and I feel like I exercised for two hours. My arms and legs and feet and back hurt, but thats only after so long. I think I need to get new shoes... well I know for a fact that I need new shoes because my toe is starting to wear out. Usually you need new nonslip shoes (if you buy them from payless shoes or something cheap like that like I do because I cannot afford the "Shoes For Crews" brand) about once every year. Which means you have been doing good work in them haha!
Anyway Luckily I get this weekend and Monday off to kind of compensate for this week, BUT lots of hours are good! A) MONEY! B) 300 hours left to go before I get my $2000 Scholarship from Chick-fil-a (aka the Chicken)!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!
Well I must go but until next time!
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Okay bye fore now!!!

1 comment:

Kady (Ca-dee) said...

so proud of you! I know how hard it is to be on your feet all day. miss you, love you. AOE <3

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Good evening my friends! Well let me just say I haven't been as attentive to this blog in a while. I have been working on http://poorwor...