Okay so I have been thinking that I only have two more weeks left of my final semester as a Junior and Christmas break begins! I have finals and papers due but I can do this! I just gotta buckle down and not dink around. I am going to go back to Cedar tomorrow and then I will clean my room, and make it a study zone and everything else!
Wednesday I have my Nutrition test... then next week I have the epic final. Boo. But its all good. I also have my presentation for Technical Writing but I know I can do that easy!!!
Thursday I have my presentation to the Mayor at City Hall in Cedar with my group... oh goodness... so scary but after that I AM DONE with that class. Although I highly liked my PR writing class..
On Friday I have a 15-25 page paper due, but I think I am gonna rock it! I have started the research, just each day I will work on 3-5 pages of it, and then I will be done by 5pm Friday with that. I am going to take my laptop to school and work on it there as well. Every chance I get will be on this paper.
I think I will just work on a page and study for my tests/work on projects then work on another page... and so on and so forth! Quotes and things like that work out for this.
Next week I have four finals and then I am done so I know that this will be ok!
After that I head back to SLC for almost a complete month and I will be working at Chick-fil-a again which is nice that they are so awesome about letting me come back in the "off seasons" of school. I think that if everything goes according to plan, this will be my last time working there forever... which is kind of sad to think about. I am shooting to get a job in Cedar and work with that during the summer and then graduate in the Fall and then get a big kid job then see where life takes me from there.
I have never been an advanced planner, but so far this is working for me.
So I think I am going to get off, go pack, take a bath, and then I am going to sleep. I am heading back to Cedar tomorrow, and the weather is supposed to be icky and I need to stay awake for Haley cause she is driving! I know we will be okay because its not supposed to be epic snow, just accumulation of 1-3 inches depending on where it is at! Usually it does not hit the freeways too bad and I think we are leaving before it gets to be too late. I will update you about that drive tomorrow or sometime. Blogging is going to be my "rest" from it all (school, finals, papers, etc).
Until next time...